Produced by Katie Richards
Performance Dates and Time
Sat 28 Sep - 4:45 PM to 5:30 PM
Sun 29 Sep - 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM
Adult - $20
Concession/Student - $15
Children - $10
Group (4) - $70
Companion - Free
Show Description
Katie’s smooth poetic vocals bring life to her sass and sauce styled Indie Folk music.
Mixed in with both reggae and country licks, Katie and the band will have all audience members moving with a fine festival swagger in no time, singing along as they go.
The past decade Katie Richards has performed at many festivals and venues around Australia and New Zealand. Supporting big name acts such as - Gomez, Kate Miller Heidke, Toni Childs, Dragon, Thirsty Merc and Anna Coddington.
With her new release of the hit song "Holiday" Katie and her band are a fun, energetic all original band that will help make your festival sound awesome.
General Show Information
G | 45 Minutes | Fringe
Please check our website here for details.