Produced by Nat Astwood and Nathan Butler
Performance Date and Time
Fri 11 Oct - 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Adult - $30
Concession/Student - $23
Group (4) - $100
Companion - Free
Show Description
A hopeless rebel and romantic without a cause struggles navigating the highs and lows of love and existential make-up. A delightful little poetic piece about an awkward orchid having an identity crisis while grappling with showbiz, fashion, and the gender agenda. This performance tells the unremarkable, unmoving and unrealistic tale about half a queen, three quarters of a king and an orchid, in one not quite life-altering night. Half funny, half serious, half drag, completely confusing. This show goes on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and celebration, all entangled in lip syncing nonsense.
General Show Information
MA15+ | 60 Minutes | Fringe
Show Warnings
Sex Scenes
Adult Themes
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