Produced by MOTUS Collective
Performance Dates and Times
Thu 26 Sep - 6:30 PM to 7:10 PM
Fri 27 Sep - 7:00 PM to 7:40 PM
Sat 28 Sep - 7:15 PM to 7:55 PM
Adult - $30
Concession/Student - $20
Children - $15
Companion - Free
Show Description
Warped realities, changing scenes in the blink of an eye, the unsettling, uncanny nightmare realm and the almost unexplainable whacky goings on.
Is this my dream or yours?
In the creation of this piece, we have been inspired by states of dreaming and the imaginings of our unconscious minds. Our process included dream retelling, delving into various animalistic personalities, multitudes of various visual stimulus and play with cat tunnels.
Let your thoughts run wild and come along for the journey.
"Dreamy, creepy, grotesque, playful, hilarious. Confused but I loved it!"
"Honestly very fun and zesty. Really loved the nonchalant vibe from start to finish. The dancers seemed to have a cohesive vision as a team."
'Felt like a social media fever dream..."
(All reviews submitted anonymously from IndepenDANCE showing 2023).
General Show Information
G | 40 Minutes | Fringe
Please check our website here for details.