Produced by Ghost Net Collective - Lynnette Griffiths and Marion Gaemers
Workshop Date and Time Facilitated workshops available on selected dates from 1 – 10 October. Book now to secure your spot. Prices Per Person - $7.50
Workshop Description Bring your class to experience Coral Chronicles and explore the use of marine debris in artworks and exhibitions and reflect on the amazing biodiversity and plight of the Great Barrier Reef. Included in this program is a facilitated weaving workshop with reclaimed materials for students to create a small woven stingray to take home with them. Students may also choose to contribute their woven stingray to the collaborative community artwork. This workshop is designed to support in-classroom conversations about the overlap between traditional and contemporary artforms, reflections on artistic vision and communication, and the use of social and scientific stimulus to develop artworks and convey meaning. Suitable for High School Audiences.
General Workshop Information G | Local | Curated | Local
Accessibility Please check our website here for details.
Acknowledgement Co-commissioned by North Australian Festival of Arts, Queensland Museum Tropics and Willows Shopping Centre.
Tuesday 1 October 2024, 12:00 AM - 9:40 AM
Coral Chronicles: School’s Program
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70-102 Flinders StTownsvilleQLD 4810Australia